
求职招聘网 2023-10-20 14:15 编辑:admin 146阅读



A:Good morning. I'm XXX, the manager of the company. What's your name please?(早上好。我是XXX,这个公司的经理。你叫什么名字。)

B:Good morning, Miss Pan. My name is XXX. I have come here for an interview by appointment. Nice to meet you.(你好,潘小姐。我叫XXX。我是应约来面试的,非常高兴见到你)

A:Nice to meet you,too .You are the first one to have arrived. Well, for this job, we need people to work hard. Do you think you're suitable for this kind of job?(你好, 今天我邀了几位面试者,你是第一个到的。对于这个工作,我们需要刻苦能干的人,你觉得你能适应这样的工作吗? )

B:Oh, yes, I think so.(恩,我想我能。)

A:Why did you choose to come here for a job?(你为何选定到此地来谋职?)

B:I hope to have a job which offers me an opportunity for advancement.(我希望有一个提供升级机会的工作)

A:What interest you most about this job?(你对这份工作最感兴趣的是什么?)

B:I like to work in a team and enjoy solving problems together.(我喜欢和一班人一起工作及解决问题。)

A:Why should I hire you?(我为什么要聘请你?)

B:My educational background and professional experience make me qualified for the job.(我的教育背景和工作经验使我能够胜任这项工作)

A:When can you begin?( 你何时能开始工作? )

B:Immediately.( 马上就可以 )

A:So you can go back




A: Could you show me the way to the railway station?


B: Yes, of course.当然。

A: Would you like to be my guide?给我领领路好吗?

B: I'd be very pleased.我很乐意。


A: Excuse me, but can you tell me the way to the railway station?


B: Just go straight along this street, turn left at the first crossing and walk straight ahead about 100 meters. You can't miss it.

沿着这条街一直往前走,到第一个十字路口向左拐,然后再往前走100米 就是了。你一定能看到。

A: About how long willit take me to get there?


B:It's about 20 minutes' walk, I think.


A:Isee.Is thereabus Ican take?


B: Yes,you can take the No.5 bus over there. Get off at the next stop.

可以,你可以在那儿乘5路车,在下一站下车。 A: Thank you so much for your help.非常感谢你的帮助。 B: It' s my pleasure.不客气。


And I know it’s only in my mind. That I’m talking to myself and not to him, and although I know that he is blind. Still I say there’s a way for us. I love him. But when the night is over, he is gone, the river’s just a river. Without him, the world around me changes. The trees are bare and everywhere, the streets are all full of strangers.



get on a gravy train


  Once upon a time, there was a farmer.One day, while he was working in the fields, he saw ahare run into a tree stump accidentally and die of a broken neck.


  The farmer took the hare home and cooked a delicious meal for himself.


  That night he thought: "I needn't work so hard. All I have to do is wait every day by the stump to pick up the hare that runs into it."


  So from then on he gave up farming, and stood by the tree stump waiting for the hare to come and run into it.


  But from then on, he never saw another hare run into the tree stump.



  A farm wanted to eat good food every day, but he didn’t like working. He often went to other farmer’s homes. When they ate1, he ate with them, so the farms didn’t like him.


  One day, he saw a hare running down the hill. The hare knocked against2 a tree in his field, broke its neck and fell dead. The farmer was so happy. “Great!” he went to the tree and got the dead hare, and went home with it.


  That day, he ate a lot. He thought that the meat of the hare was very nice. The next day, he put down3 his hoe, and waited by the tree for a second hare to turn up4. He waited all day long, but no hare come at all.




  In the past, there was a farmer in the State of Song.


  There stood a big tree in the field he cultivated.


  One day, while working in the field, he suddenly saw a hare running by in front of him.


  The bare bumped against the big tree, broke its neck and died under the tree.


  Without any effort, the farmer happily enjoyed a meal of bare meat.


  He was very pleased and thought how nice it would be if every day were like this.


  Thereupon, he no longer cultivated his land, but watched by that tree and waited for thechance to pick up another hare which knocked itself dead against the tree.


  He waited and waited and watched. His field lay waste, but he never got a second hare.


  The people in the village laughed at him for taking the accidental for the inevitable.



Lily: Ann, you look pale, what is the matter?


Ann: My notebook PC was stolen last night.


Lily: I really sympathize with you. Did you report to the police?


Ann: Yeah, the police came and wrote down something,and then told me to wait for the news.


Lily: When was your PC stolen?


Ann: It was about ten o’clock, I left at 8,and when I came back at 11 o’clock, it was gone.


Lily: Did you see the surveillance tape?


Ann: Yeah, I saw a 30-year-old man broke my door and took my PC, but I can’t see his face.


Lily: Hope the police can seize the thief and find your PC back.


Ann: Hope so.



Todd: Oh, OK. So, how would you describe what you do? 那你怎么形容你的职业?

Sandra: A wine professional. 一名红酒品酒师。

Todd: A wine professional. OK, so what does a wine professional do? 品酒师。好的,品酒师都要做什么?

Sandra: Try to make money from wine. 从红酒身上赚钱。

Todd: OK. 好的。

Sandra: So, I'm a wine writer, a wine columnist. I teach wine. 因此我还是一名红酒作家,我在写一个红酒专栏。我还教课。

Todd: OK, so let's say if I'm going to have friends over, and I'm making let's say steak. I'm having a grilling steak. Can I serve wine with steak? 如果说我邀请朋友来做客,以牛排为主菜,烧烤牛排好了。我能用红酒搭配牛排吗?

Sandra: Yes. Steak goes with almost any red wine. 当然,牛排和大多数红酒都搭。

Todd: Oh, really. OK. So, red. How about if I want to mix wines. Is it OK to go red wine, white wine? 真的。好,那就红酒吧。如果我还想上点儿其他酒。红酒和其他白葡萄酒搭配吗?

Sandra: You always start out with white wines going towards red wines. 我们通常都是先喝白葡萄酒,然后再过渡到红酒的。

Todd: OK, always go white wine first, then the red wine. (Yes) OK, and how about for dessert. Is there a special dessert wine? 好的,先喝白葡萄酒再喝红葡萄酒。那么甜点呢。有什么酒可以搭配甜点吗?

Sandra: There are many great dessert wines, so it depends on what you like, how sweet you like and what you're making for dessert. 有许多可以搭配甜点的酒,具体要看甜点是什么了,还要看你喜欢的甜度和甜点的制作原料。

Todd: OK, so how about I'm making terimisu. 如果是提拉米苏呢。

Sandra: Terimisu, then I would probably have a tawny port, either from Portugal or from Australia, which makes great ports, or you might even go for a fruity and oaky zinfandel, which is dry wine from California. 提拉米苏,那么我建议搭配葡萄牙或者澳大利亚的茶色波特酒,效果会非常好。我甚至会建议你加上水果和馨芳葡萄酒,那是一种加利福尼亚的干白葡萄酒。

Todd: OK, nice. How much will that cost me? 好的。那要多少钱?

Sandra: Depends on how much you want to spend. For a port, a tawny port, anywhere in between 3,500 to 10,000 (OK) And for a California Zinfandel, a good one probably about 3,000 (yen). 这取决于你打算花多少钱了。波特酒,茶色波特酒价位在3500到10,000日元之间,加利福尼亚的馨芳葡萄酒,一瓶好的要3,000日元。

Todd: 3,000. I think I can maybe afford that. Not much. And, how about what would be a good wine to start off for like appetizers or with a salad or something like that. 3,000日元。我买得起。不是很贵。那么,什么酒能搭配开胃菜,沙拉或者类似的食物呢?

Sandra: I always start off with a sparkling wine. 我总是用含汽葡萄酒。

Todd: A sparkling wine. 含汽葡萄酒。

Sandra: Yes. I prefer champagne but if you can't afford it, even though champagne is the lowest price anywhere in the world is in Japan 是的。我喜欢用香槟酒,如果香槟酒太贵了的话就用它。虽然日本的香槟酒是世界上最便宜的香槟酒了。

Todd: Oh, really. 哦,真的。

Sandra: And many of my students load up on cases of champagne and have it sent home by their companies container. 我有很多学生所在的公司都是用集装箱装载满香槟酒运过去的。

Todd: Oh, wow. 哇。

Sandra: Yes. But champagne is a good starter. 是的。但香槟酒打头阵是不错的。


两人用英语买水果的对话M:Can I help you?W:I want to buy some bananas.(The man looks for the banana on the shelf.

)W:Wow,the bananas are yellow and big,they are lookingvery nice! Great.How much is it?M:They are only 7 yuan a kilogram.W:OK,I will take it.They are health to many people.Thank you very much!


对手机说嘿,Siri, How are you他回答说我很好,谢谢。

对Siri说what's your name。他说我的名字叫Siri


乘客A:Excuse me, is this seat taken?对不起,这个座位有人坐吗?

乘客B:No, I don't think so.我想应该没有人。

乘客A:Thanks,I am waiting for the train at 9 o ’clock to will you go?谢谢,我在等 9 点到上海的火车,你去哪呢?

乘客B:What a coincidence! we are the same train.真是太巧了,我们同一列火车。

乘客A:Really? What is your seat number?真的吗?你座位几号?

乘客B: on the second row. And you?第二排 5 号,你呢?

乘客B:Could you please keep an eye on my luggage? I want to go to the washroom.你能帮我照看下行李吗?我去下洗手间。

乘客A:No problem.没问题。

乘客B:Thank you so much.非常感谢。


电话订餐英语口语对话 A: I’d like to reserve a table for three at 7:00 this evening.   B: Let me check. Hold on, please.….Yes, that’s fine. Smoking or nonsmoking area   A: Nonsmoking, please.   B: All right. May I have your name   A: My name is Zhong.   B: How do you spell it, sir   A: Z-H-O-N-G.   A:我想要订一张今晚七点三个人的桌位。   B:我来查查看。请稍候。…是的,没问题。您要吸烟区还是非吸烟区?   A:请给我非吸烟区。   B:好的。请教您的大名是?   A:敝姓钟。   B:先生,请问怎么个拼法?   A: Z-H-O-N-G。   ★「订桌位」还有如下的说法:   I’d like to book a table for four at seven tonight.   (我今晚七点想订一张四个人的桌子。)   I’d like to make a reservation for this Saturday evening.   (我这个礼拜六晚上想订张桌位。)   We are a group of four.   (我们有四个人。)   There will be three of us.   (我们有三个人。)   ★"Hold on, please"是打电话时请对方「稍候片刻(不要挂断)」的意思,类似的说法有:   Hold the line a moment, please.   One moment, please.   Just a second, please.   Just a moment, please.   ★要「挑选中意的位子」时可说:   We’d prefer a table by the window.(我们喜欢靠窗的桌位。)   We’d like to sit by the window.(我们想要坐在窗边。)   We’d like to sit in the nonsmoking area.(我们想要坐在非吸烟区。)   We’d like a smoking table.(我们想要吸烟区的桌位。)   I’d like a quiet corner, if possible.(我想要安静的角落,如果可能的话。
